How Much Do You Know...


Obviously, using a Bitmoji in my blog is so unprofessional of me. How dare I. 
Only teachers do that.

I have come to ask you one very unusual question: how much do you know about turtles and tortoises? Are they really the same? Or is there some hidden difference that we'll never know about? 
WELL, the answer is YES. There are some secret differences that you will know about after you read this essay I wrote. 
Enjoy! 🤗 (and, of course, have a turtle emoji for good measure: 🐢)

Compare and Contrast!

Turtles and tortoises look pretty similar at first glance, but there’s a lot that makes them different! They are technically both turtles, but they aren't exactly alike, and there are many different types of tortoises. Just like there are many different types of turtles, making them different from each other. 

Turtles are reptiles with streamlined shells, which are water-dynamic. This helps them move through the water easier, so they don’t drown. Turtles spend more time in water than tortoises do, so that’s why their shell is specially designed for moving through water. Turtles also have webbed and flippered feet, another trait that helps them move through water easily. 

Tortoises are reptiles with typically bumpy shells, that are more rounded than a turtle’s. They don’t need a water-dynamic shell because they spend most of their life on land, so there’s no need for any flippers or a special shell. In fact, tortoise’s feet are “elephantine”, or “elephant-like”, which means they look like an elephant’s. They are heavier than turtles, so their elephant-like feet help them keep the weight up!

Even though turtles and tortoises may seem way different now, they are still very similar! For example, turtles and tortoises are both reptiles. This means they are cold-blooded, which means their body temperature matches that around them. So, if the air around them was cold, and they wanted to be warm, they might move under a lamp. Another similarity is they both lay eggs, which is a reptilian trait (meaning all reptiles lay eggs). Tortoises and turtles both are omnivores. They eat foods like grasses, berries, flowers, mushrooms, bugs, and grubs. 

In conclusion, tortoises and turtles can be distinguished by their shells, their legs, and where they spend their time. Their similarities are both being reptiles, both being omnivores, and both being cold-blooded.


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