Wings of Fire #3: The Hidden Kingdom

Glory knows the dragon world is wrong about her tribe. After all, she isn't "as lazy as a RainWing" -- she isn't lazy at all! Maybe she wasn't meant to be one of the dragonets of destiny, as the older dragons constantly remind her, but Glory is sharp and her venom is deadly... except, of course, no one knows it.

When the dragonets seek shelter in the rain forest, Glory is devastated to find that the treetops are full of RainWings that no dragon could ever call dangerous. They nap all day and know nothing of the rest of Pyrrhia. Worst of all, they don't realize -- or care -- that RainWings are going missing from their beautiful forest. But Glory and the dragonets are determined to find the missing dragons, even if it drags the peaceful RainWing kingdom where they never wanted to be -- in the middle of the war.

Wings of Fire #3: The Hidden Kingdom - Tui T. Sutherland

What I thought of it:

I am so excited to write about my favorite books repeatedly! Yipee! 
Oooooooooooooooh!!! Glory is also one of my favorite characters (don't I say this about every single WoF (Wings of Fire) characters? I do, don't I?). She's funny, she's smart, and most importantly, she's in love with Death! Isn't it so cute? Who knew Glory could fall in love???! Well, anyway, that highlighted part isn't in the 3rd book... or is it?? I can't remember... heh heh. 
This book is one of the best because there are twists and turns and loop de loops all around all the corners! Oh... I'm thinking about candy... help...
Anyway, I think you should read this book because it is THE BEST and I will not be persuaded, okay?
Where I Got It:

OOOOOO fancy new section! Aren't ya'll happy 'bout this one?!?!  Well, I got it on Amazon (the word Amazon is a link, by the way)! Enjoy and get reading!

What You Should Know:

I think you should know that it is very annoying in some parts (like when the dragonets get trapped). That's all I have to say!! (THIS BOOK IS WONDERFUL PLZ READ) 

How Many Stars:

5 out of 5


💫 = 1/2 a star

RECLAIMER: The synopsis is not my own. Please note this, and don't think that I came up with that myself!! Let's give a moment to congratulate the amazing people who wrote that synopsis. 


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